Friday, July 30, 2010

I love feathers!

So I've had these ostrich feathers lying around my house for months trying to figure out what I wanted to do with them. Then on one of those afternoons when I'm aimlessly surfing the net I came across a yahoo video on how to make feather facilitators or a feather headpiece. EUREKA! That's what I was going to do with my feathers and here's what I came up with.

I was surprised at how easy the were to make. Basically it takes a feather, a small piece of felt, a hair clip and some kind of embellishment, I used a rhinestone button.

Ostrich Plume Feathers - 1PK/WhiteGlass Button 5/8'' Petite Petals Silver/Rhinestone By The EachYou take the feather and clip about 2/3 off. You only really use the very top tip, depending on how big you want your hairpiece. You the hot glue the feather to the small piece of felt. I arranged two feathers to make it a little bit more fluffy. On the reverse side of the felt you hot glue your hair clip. Please note to glue it correctly (I glued it on wrong 2 times in a row, lololol). The hair clip must be kind of sideways , going up so you can clip in into your hair in an upward motion. The final step is the embellishment. I took a rhinestone button and cut off the loop in the back. You then hot glue the button at the bottom of your feathers hiding the ends.
Here are pictures of what the back looks like.

I really love how these turned might even see them on sale in my Etsy shop soon!